Tuesday, August 29, 2017

PCL Rehab Week 7

PCL tear in right knee with orthopedic's suggestion to not do surgery and to work on strengthening the legs, which I am more than happy to do. 

I think it is week 7. Anyway nothing impressive compared to my former condition before the injury, but I am happy at this point being able to work on regaining strength. On Monday being able to go through about 20 sets total on legs with most of it concentrated on leg press and hack squats. I finished up with light machine extensions and seated leg curls. 

Here are a couple sets toward the peak of the leg press yesterday with 540 x 6 and 630 x 3. I will really be happy when I am doing the 630 x 10 and moving back up to heavy hack squats and even happier when I can get back to doing squats. Right now I am struggling just going through the motions of a regular bar squat.

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