Thursday, November 27, 2014

Inside Ride eMotion Rollers - Wireless

I've been using e-Motion Rollers since 2011 and would still give the rollers five star rating even though I started using the Wahoo Kickr this past August.

Now I am super excited about the news that Inside Ride is working on adding a new Bluetooth and ANT+ wireless controller to work with various training applications and in my case that would be with TrainerRoad. They currently sell a wireless remote to control the resistance, but this new device will be slightly different. My hope is that it will work like an erg mode just like the Kickr. TrainerRoad mentioned helping them with an ERG mode so it looks like that is the goal. I imagine they are working on virtual power for those who do not have a power meter, but I would use my PowerTap G3 equipped bike for the power meter.

Fortunately I have the "H" model so I should be able to install this upgrade when it is released. I just hope that it is not too expensive. If it is close to the current wireless remote price I will be glad to add this to the rollers. From that point I will be able use either the Kickr or the e-Motion rollers

Images from Inside Ride Web Site

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