Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Annual Review

2018 turned out to be one of the worst years in cycling in many years and for several reasons. I knew in January of an assigned project that would take most of my focus and as the year progressed so did the amount of time needed to prepare for each deadline. Starting in September I was working six days a week and about 12 hours a day. This can be seen in some of the included charts. One thing I did keep up was strength training and though this blog is about cycling I come from a long competitive background in strength training with 36 years invested. I maintained strength training and consistency through the year. I gained size/weight and strength, which also hurt me big time on the bike especially when it came to climbing any gradient of incline. 

January was my best month of training in 2018 and after this month it all began to trend downward. There were several other factors, such as, weather and in the latter months having to go to the hospital with the father-in-law in critical condition. So for the 2018 Annual Reflection blog post there is not much to say. With the project nearing the final submittal I am hoping to start structured training again. Like last year I am also trying to get over a cold at the moment, but this works out okay because I have to start on the bottom rung. I will drop my sFTP down really low to about 177 as it shows in WKO4 as mFTP. To give an idea where I am my CTL is at 29. 

I've got a deep hole to dig out of and about ten pounds to lose. I better get busy.

Charts from WKO4


Les Akins said...

My observation n = 1... you can do strength training on the bike (big resistance) and thus assist with cycling... I did a lot of weight lifting when I started riding and of course it helps with efforts 0 to 60 seconds, but imho you gain more cycling-wise if you ride as much as you can and then augment/maintain with core/strength stuff before and after rides... get on zwift as well...

The Cycling Addiction said...

Hey Les, I apologize for the very late response and probably too late. Of those I follow on Strava I tend to watch your efforts more than others. Thanks for the feedback. Jesse