Saturday, October 29, 2011

2011 3 State Fall Colors Ride

Ride with GPS Data
Garmin Connect Data
Moving Time: 5:27:59
Distance: 63 miles
Avg Moving Speed 14.5 mph
Elevation Gain: 5,682 ft

Group:  Gary,  Mike, Ron, Neal, Glenn, Keith, Alan, Jamie, Peter, Craig, Don, Bill, Joe, Elizabeth  and me
Goal: Enjoy riding with friends on this annual group ride at a fairly casual pace

The Ride: Each year a group ventures to north Georgia to do a recreational type ride starting from Mineral Bluff, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee and back to get a view from the bike with the leaves changing color. I have not attended since 2008 and almost wondered if today would happen with a storm front moving through last evening and stiff winds in the morning as Gary drove Mike and me up to the ride. Thanks to Gary for getting the ride notice out and sticking with the plan despite how the weather appeared and it did not seem to scare off too many since we had 15 cyclists show up. Great to see a number of people that I have not seen for weeks and months for some. Glad to have Alan join us today.

The ride, the route and the people made this a memorable day. The ride did not disappoint for the color of leaves. I am not sure if we hit the absolute peak, but there were several spots that had the group slowing and taking it all in. The route has it's fair share of challenges with one hill after another and a few of them quite steep. The people? Well to me the gang that I am privileged to ride with are a great group of strong cyclists. For the most part we stayed together and at times had some spirited moments. It was a joy to share this day with this group. It was also a longer day away from home than our usual local rides and a bit slower, but well worth the trip and worth taking our time meandering through those back country roads.

Nutrition Intake During and after the Course: ~40 oz. of water with Hammer Perpetuem, BCAA's, Gluatamine  (2) Cliff bar (1) 30 gram Whey protein post ride recovery drink

The Weather: Sunny, Start @ 39 degrees, End @ 60 degrees, breezy to gusty wind at times

Bike: LOOK 585, Garmin 800, Powertap SL+, Contour GPS camera

Overall Power Data:
Entire workout (127 watts):
    Duration:      4:28:12 (5:28:06)
    Work:          2047 kJ
    TSS:           325.1 (intensity factor 0.854)
    Norm Power:    175
    VI:            1.38
    Distance:      62.626 mi
    Elevation Gain:        4954 ft
    Elevation Loss:       4956 ft
    Grade:         -0.0 %  (-9 ft)
        Min    Max    Avg
    Power:           0    712    127     watts
    Cadence:         8    239    80     rpm
    Speed:           0    48.7    14.0     mph
    Pace             1:14    0:00    4:17     min/mi
    Altitude:        1459    2146    1702     ft
    Crank Torque:    0    1323    145     lb-in
    Temperature:     35.6    62.6    46.7     Fahrenheit

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