Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday Solo

Route and Ride Data Links:

Strava - Today's Route

Ride Metrics: 

Power meter battery died at the start
Time Total: 2:04:55
Time Moving: 2:00:58
Distance (mile): 31.1
Speed Avg (mph): 15


Build Endurance

Ride Description:

If you were looking at a picture of today's ride you would think it was a perfect day, but what it would not tell is the chill in the air and the constant wind. Better than sitting on the trainer another day. 


Temperature Start (F): 50
Temperature Finish (F): 55
Wind: N 9 mph
Sky: Sunny

Nutrition Intake During and Immediately After:

Bottle #1 24oz. Water, Aminos, Maltodextrin, Trace Mineral Drops
Post Ride: 30 gram protein drink


 LOOK  585 

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